Shengyang International

The implementation of "one-stop service" one vote to the end, the whole process is responsible

Operating LCL business export LCL note!

In life, carpooling, group and rice are common. In international trade, LCL and boat fighting are also the norm. Today, Xiao Bian combed the matters needing attention in the key links of LCL export business, and poked at the following figure to understand it! Remind friends of enterprises operating LCL business, pay attention!



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Shengyang International Logistics Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 with a registered capital of 5.01 million yuan. It is an international freight forwarding enterprise approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the the People's Republic of China of China; executive director unit of China Customs Declaration Association; China air transport freight sales agent; member unit of China International Freight Forwarders Association; cross-border e-commerce comprehensive service enterprise of Shandong Province; commodity pre classification qualification enterprise.

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Return Logistics Solutions for World Famous Enterprises

More and more enterprises realize the importance of return management, and they take positive measures to save money and improve customer satisfaction. No one likes product returns, but this inevitable "tumor" of the supply chain is causing concern for businesses, which have recognized the importance of returns management to customer relationships, brand loyalty and net income. This past year in particular, we 've noticed that more executives are focusing on this area, and they want to understand why returns occur, the financial impact of returns, and how to reduce returns. Return management is complex and includes not only products that need to be quickly stored and resold.